Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Ward Off Depression

Yesterday my lower back hurt pretty severely.  Walking was an effort.  But I find it better to stay somewhat active than sit with my feet up all day.  Also paining me were my left knee and my right foot.  These aches, too, made it hard.  And this weight!  I eat a cookie. I gain a pound.  It's my 66-year-old reality.  Arthritis in my hands - well, we don't want to even talk about that.  So much for ‘golden-year’ propaganda.




I watch Gracie pull herself up from the floor, her crooked back legs trembling, and it's all she can do to get them moving.  She tries to stretch them out but almost falls.   I pull myself up from my recliner and hobble to the door to let her out, and she looks at me with those confused eyes that say, "What is out?  Where is out?  Why would I want to go out?"  Then she gets lost under a table.


I do a few things to get the blood flowing before allowing myself back to the reclining position.  Ah, my chair.  Gracie circles around again and again and again, looking for that sweet spot on the carpet to park her poor, disabled butt, and then decides she'd instead rather be picked up and put on the couch.  I can almost read her body language, so off the recliner, holding onto my back and to the aid of my poor old girl. "There you go," I say, placing her comfortably onto the couch and making sure her behind is to the back, so she doesn't fall off (yes, it happens) butt first.  Back to the reclining position, I go in my chair and guess who jumps down onto the floor. 

To ward off depression from the state of things, husband and I have thrown ourselves into decorating for Christmas and giving Gracie much needed attention.  For me, it's working.  For him - not so much.  But we both keep plugging along.

Dear Diary,

I spent yesterday at the spa and I feel pretty.  Oh, so pretty.  Gracie.



  1. Gracie, you are ALWAYS pretty to me! Bobbi, what is wrong with your back, do you know? You are stll aspring chicken compared to US. And it seems at only 66, you shouldn't have so MANY avhes and pains. Remember, after yesterday the days will be getting longer each day!

  2. Gracie, I think you and Max would make a great couple. He will turn 18 in January and has all the same symptoms that you do.

    And, Yes, you are so very pretty!
    Hugs to your Mom

  3. I hear you with the aches and pains. The first few minutes of getting out of bed in the morning or walking after sitting too long are quite painful. Growing old certainly is not all that it is cracked up to be!


  4. Merry Christmas to you 3 from we 2.
    I laughed at myself the other day when I realized each time I got up I said "Oh Me". LOL Once I get in motion I'm good.
    A physical therapist once told me Motion is Lotion to the joints
    Hugs cecilia

  5. Dear Bobbi, please see a doctor and get your back checked and if you are feeling down a lot, see someone about that too. This should be such a nice time of your life. I know it must be difficult to see Gracie so old and struggling, but look at her, she's not giving up. I'm sending lots of love to you.
