So. Mom. My gift to you. And what a lame post you did five years ago today for your very first blog post. Geesh. I coulda done better but noooooo you were so into being miss look-at-me I have my own blog
So here it is mom. Your very first bloggy post (edited to be made better by yours truly)
Love ya mommie dearest! Your Gracie.
June 17, 2010
I never thought I'd be one of those silly people who coddle their pets and treat them equivalent to or better than real people. I'm sorry but this makes me laugh! Out loud. LOL! Those people were a little whacked out in my book.
But... so goes life. And here's Gracie with her very own rocker recliner.
As it should be.
As it should be.

Now really mom, did you not get this outfit for a song and a prayer?
Never say never....