The 4th of July is usually jam-packed with good food and good fun. The 2019 holiday did not disappoint.
The grandkids seem to be growing with leaps and bounds. Both the older ones will be in middle school this year. Where have the years gone!
I especially loved watching Summer and Jasper interact with one another. Summer is 7 and Jasper is 6. They 'teamed-up' against the older kids and stuck together like glue.
I love how the cousins get along. It always makes for fun get-togethers.
To make things easy-peasy we ordered from Chick-Fe-Le and it was wonderful!
To top it off I just so happened to have a pie in the freezer from Schwan and it was oh-so-delish!
We had other food like shrimp, macaroni and potato salad, chips, melon etc. All the really awesome picnic foods. It was a great day!
Gracie is healing nicely from her knee injury from over a month ago. We've been walking her and letting her do pretty much what she wants to do and the exercise has been beneficial I believe. But here is the problem: She has grown accustomed to being
babied and lifted onto furniture and into bed at night... She didn't like it at first, but now she doesn't want to do it any other way.
Me: Gracie, go up the ramp.
Forget about it woman, that ramp is too hard for me. Remember -- my bum knee.
Me: I think you can do it tho. You are so much stronger now.
No way, Jose'
And so.... as the story goes.... it was the day we opened the pool and in her excited state to watch us out of the bedroom window... I walked into the house to find her on the bed! How did she get up there, you ask? You tell me. Or rather... Gracie,
YOU tell me!
I did not climb that ramp. I have a bad knee, remember?
Me: You had to get up there some way.
Gracie: *Shrugs shoulders*
I'm as baffled as you are.
Me: I think you can do the ramp now.
No, I can't
Me: Yes, I think you can.
And so starts the regimen of treats trailing up the ramp. She was fearful and the first time she fell. We gave it another week and then tried again. Amazing! She did it! A couple more days of that. But she refused to go up without treats. Time for TOUGH LOVE.
Lift me into bed please *yawn* I'm tired. Ready to turn in.
Me: Go up the ramp
Lift me up
Me: Up the ramp!
No can do
Me: Gracie! I know you can do it.
Gary and I both get in bed and leave her on the floor to think about her options. Climb the ramp or jump up on the bed. The latter would not happen, tho she gave it a shot.
A whine.
A whimper.
And then.... the pitter patter of little paws, up the ramp she goes.
Humiliation followed. She'd been found out.
"Stop telling me congratulations! So I made it up the ramp, so what?" |