The top 10 things I learn from reading Dad's letters to home as he served in the
Navy in WWII are as follows:
1. He was extremely homesick
2. He was excited about the movie machine that they got on board his ship.
3. He wished he had a camera so that he could take pictures of the devastation that he witnessed there.
4. He sold cigarettes to the Japanese for a high profit.
5. He wished he would have married my mom (his then girlfriend) when he was home on leave, so he could go home sooner. (haha!)
6. His penmanship leaved a lot to be desired.
7. He had a love for animals.
8. He sometimes wrote late at night.
9. He was lonely.
10. He ended most letters with, "Don't forget to write often."
Dear Dad,
You don't know me yet, but I will be your fifth child. I will be named after you and Mom and the last "planned" child. Two brothers will follow. I really enjoy reading your letters to home and I am feeling that emptiness that you have in your heart when you plead for letters from the family. I'm sure Grandma writes often, as do your sisters and brothers and even Mom. But it seems that you never get enough. You must be really homesick. I will be glad when you are finally home because then you will marry Mom and start our family and live happily ever after. Oh, and one more thing, Dad. Thank you for serving your country. When the time has come for me to be born, it will be my country too, and I will grow up knowing that God has gifted me with one special, selfless Dad and I am ever so grateful.
All My Love,
Your future daughter and Middle child,
Bobbie Jo
Fast Forward just a bit....
Dad and Mom had seven children.
Dad would never be lonely now, we would see to that!
There were likely times when he
wished he were back on that ship - alone - with no more personal anxieties like kids fighting over who sits by the window in the car and mountainous responsibilities which included how he would afford shoes for us to wear to school.
Life can get hectic that way...
And then - one day, its over.
He was 53 when he died of a heart attack.
It is the only military funeral I ever remember attending.
It left me in awe... of my hero, my Dad.
My dad is the curly dark-haired guy on the left.
RIP Dad. I Love you so much! Until we meet again..... |