Last month around this time I kept my baby grandson Jasper for the first time. He is 8 months old. Jasper screamed at the top of his lungs for over 2 hours. I felt helpless. I had a horrible vertigo attack while trying to console him... then I texted his parents and asked them to please come home.
Since that night, I have been suffering from ... something... I'm not sure what. I've been dizzy or off balance almost every day. I've been to the Med Express 3 times. Anxiety - yep, that too. Tired. Lightheaded. Headaches off and on. Pressure in my head. I can't seem to shake it and I don't know exactly what it is that has taken hold of me.
I have had a few 'good' days... but then I go back to dizzy again. My head feels like it is swimming sometimes. I'm starting to think that I will never gain my balance again. I thought it was allergies, so I purchased a room purifier (not izon) with heppa filter. After the first night using it, I felt worse.
So my summer has been me... Just hanging on.... LITERALLY!
I am thankful though, that I was well enough to make the trip with Gary to PA for his class reunion a couple weekends ago and to NJ to visit our newest grand angel, Greyson.
Gary with his first grand baby on his side.... |
How is Gracie you ask?
Well, when she's not wrestling with her alligator,
she's sleeping on it.
I hope YOU are enjoying your summer!