Tuesday, September 24, 2024


 Getting a puppy helped with my grief after losing Gracie.  There was no doubt about it; I needed a distraction from the pain.  Bubbles offered that distraction.  As she grew, I fell hopelessly in love.  

But I'm not here to talk about Bubbles.  Had she lived another two years, Gracie would have been twenty years old today.  

I miss so much about her.  This was her favorite time of year when the days cooled, and we would walk along the quiet of the towpath, me drinking in the beauty of God's nature and she, nose to the ground, sniffing out the things God provided for her enjoyment.  She wasn't anxiety-ridden and afraid like our new dog is.  Gracie was ready for an adventure and afraid of very little.  She might try to pick a fight with a dog or two along the way, but still, no fear.  

She was heroic in that she never gave up trying to enjoy life.  Even when she could barely stand alone, she was ready for her next walk.  

Happy Heavenly birthday, sweet girl.  You are missed and loved.


Tuesday, March 19, 2024


Maybe getting a dog that looks so much like Gracie was a mistake.  Maybe not.  

I find myself comparing them a lot, which is unfair. To my advantage, Bubbles pays little attention to this fact as long as she is loved, fed, exercised, and loved some more. 

Dogs are good like that.  

I believe Bubbles is grateful that Gracie paved the way for her --- for example, Tennis courts.

Gracie loved the tennis courts.  And if possible, I'd say Bubbles loves playing at the tennis courts even more!  I miss Gracie and her ways.  But this little Gracie look-a-like has won me over, and there is room in my heart for both - and for all of the pets I ever owned. 




Thursday, February 29, 2024

Time Has A Way

 I lost Gracie on May 26, 2022.  September 19, 2022 We brought Bubbles home.  Bubbles was an adorable puppy.  Who doesn't love puppies?  But I had a really hard time at first.   

My most noticeable observation:  Bubbles did not have the beautiful almond-shaped eyes that Gracie had.  This puppy had beady round eyes.  

To be honest, the round eyes were CUTE and she looked like a little stuffed animal, but, inside of myself --  I wanted the lame, sick, tilted-headed, blind, deaf dog that I had to help get into bed at night.  I wanted Gracie. 

It was bittersweet.

But time has a way of making things better if we work on finding the good going forward.  

Bubbles has helped me in so many ways.  I can now look at Gracie in memories with a smile.  Bubbles has won my heart and I love her so much!  I will always love Gracie too.  My heart feels really big these days, and there is room for both.  There's room for every pet I've ever owned.