Sunday, April 1, 2012


I am sorry for my last post.  Too many cried.  I didn't even think anyone would believe it...  

This was not my intention to make anyone sad.. 

 I had no idea that so many would be touched by this.  Please forgive me for not thinking beyond my words...  

I would never give Gracie away...  not ever!!  


  1. Oh, Bobbie, I hope you aren't feeling overly guilty over this. Granted, some are more sensitive than others and took it more to heart; and even though I fell for it and had conflicting feelings when I read it, I truly did laugh and admired your clever, though devious (kidding), mind.

    The bottom line is, none of us should have fallen for it, as we all know how nuts you are about Gracie! :-)

  2. Aint nuttin but a chicken wang...hehehe...don't worry bouts it. We knows you and da love you has fur Gracie.
    I was so intrigued by your writing skills dat I ws really gettin' into cuz I knew when I even began readin' it all a hoax;)


  3. If you hadn't said April's Fool at the end, maybe I would have believed you. That's why I pointed out to you ( in case you didn't already know) that you are a wonderful writer, who can indeed touch our hearts and even fool us on a day like today.

  4. See how we hang on your EVERY word:) We love you Bobbi and Gracie is SO lucky to have you as her Mommy! Hugs and much LOVE!

  5. Feeling guilty are we...Gwacie got you back!

  6. Hey I just sent you an email but I guess you'll have to check both accounts cuz I ain't sures which one I sent it to.


  7. I need to catch up, I don't know yet what you wrote on your previous post... but I think I can guess. You tried to play an April Fool's Day trick on your readers.... what I am thinking is, HOW could anyone have believed it if you said you gave her away?!!! There is no way... she writes half this blog and you can tell how much love there is!! Im sorry you feel guilty, but don't feel TOO guilty. Shame on those of us who fell for it though, geesh. You got us good. I'm not saying I fell for it though, because I haven't read that post yet... off to read it if it is still there! :)

  8. I am cracking up - - - bless your heart. You set out to have fun today and we spoiled it for you. See how convincingly you can write! A big pat on the back for that! Praying you have a great week and guess we wouldn't have cared so much today if you all hadn't become loved in our hearts! It's okay you got us. I'm still impressed we all believed you!

  9. Gracie Owned Me, how funny!!!! Glad I was off and didn't read this, I would have been just flabbergasted!!! You really did it up good, even down to the picture of the lady!!

  10. No apologies needed. It was just a little harmless fun. GRACIE and you are stuck together for life. And that's just the way it is supposed to be. We were fools to think otherwise. Sorry Juanita.

  11. Oh my goodness are most certainly loved by everyone and I really could never believe your Mom and Dad would give you away....
    You are their heart and soul.
    Hugs from your BFFF,

  12. I was really busy yesterday and didn't have time to even look at the computer. I was aware it was April Fool's Day (also my brother's wedding anniversary which we've teased them about for years) but even if it wasn't I doubt I would have believed you'd give your sweet Gracie away.
