Sunday, July 29, 2012

Putting up With Nonsense

Rissi:  Gracie, I love you.  You are my BFF.

Gracie:  That's great kid.  But is it necessary for you to hang on me all the time.  A girl needs space...  ya know what I mean Jellybean?

Rissi:  Okay Gracie.  I won't hang on you.  Hey Grammy...  can I take Gracie for a walk through the house with her leash?

Gracie:  Uh oh!

Rissi:  And then can I pretend like she's my dog and keep her on a leash and cover her with my bambi and give her a bone...  and can we watch Sponge Bob together? 

Gracie:  Hey mom!  Can I have a bag of cookies, 2 chew bones, a new toy, and a twice-as-far walk tonight for putting up with this nonsense?