We left the snow in Western Maryland last weekend and ended up HERE for business meetings and Continuing Education classes with Siemens.
We learned a little. Got some needed CEU's.
And had some fun....
This is not the guy I went with! It's a good thing Brian, our Siemens sales rep, is just as crazy as |
And we all know how competitive men are. Gary met his match with Brian. Yes, Brian won the ping pong 'tournament'... and Gary won first prize for his list of excuses as to why he didn't win.
And so... they went on to a game Gary was once upon a time really good at. Pool.
Brian won again. And Gary's excuse: his (now needed) prescription glasses got in the way.
Good food. Good times. Good friends.
And speaking of friends... on our way out, a few stopped to bid us goodbye:
Gracie, how was your weekend with Justin?
Huh! Justin! Well, well, well...
Gracie, you gotta go potty? I said NO. He said, c'mon Gracie... you have to go potty. I said JUSTIN I DON'T HAVE TO GO POTTY! Then I heard him tell mom on the phone that I tried to bite him. Seriously. I did not try to bite him! He tried to force me off the couch and I was right in the middle of a dream about Samson, our wedding, and beef jerkey treats... and so I quickly reminded him (without even showing my teeth) that I DID NOT HAVE TO GO POTTY!
So, that's how it went. And boy, mom and dad... I am sure glad you are home. You understand me.