Tuesday, January 24, 2012

There's Always a Catch

I know what you're thinking...

Bobbi has taken up drinking.  
She's found a way to beat the winter doldrums.   

Actually the bottle of gin is for medicinal purpose.  I recently got wind of a 'natural cure' for arthritis pain that consists of gin and golden raisins.  Has anyone else heard of this?  

My sister recommended it saying it worked for her!  So I did some research online and by golly there are tons of people who swear by it.  

Seriously!  Look it up. 

Soak a bowl of golden raisins in gin for about a week.  Then  put the raisins in a jar and eat 9 raisins a day. In a few weeks you will start to notice a difference and before you know it...  no more arthritis pain.  

So I'm soaking my raisins now.

 And hoping that it works.  

Though I've not been to the doctor I'm pretty sure my hands are full of arthritis and I can't close my right hand anymore.  My little finger especially.  OUCHY!!

Having never tasted gin before, I dipped my finger in the gin to see what it tastes like.  Gin tastes good. 

So if you see that I'm talking a bit irrationally or misspelling words it might be that I've eaten one too many gin soaked raisins.  

Dear Diary,  

Today I got a surprise.  Mom said, 'Gracie do you want to go for a walk?'  WHAT?!  A WALK?!  I'd been watching other dogs up and down the sidewalk for thousands of days thinking... huh...  I don't get walks anymore.  My mom is too lazy says it's too cold.

But then when we came back from our walk..  

she had that look in her eyes...

and she said, 'daddy was right... it's too dirty outside to be walking..'

I wanted to run.  But my feet wouldn't move.  I was paralyzed.  I trembled in fear.  

I begged her to think about what she was doing.  She felt no remorse as she yanked me through the house and back to the bathroom. I knew my fate.  There was no getting away.

I begged...  'please mom, just let me have a minute to catch my breath and get a drink of water'. She wasn't hearing any of it.

Some words of wisdom to all of my four legged friends out there:  

Sure, walks are nice but in the middle of winter??  I'd be a bit suspicious. 

If it seems to good to be true...

Then it probably is.  There's always a catch.

I am now a very angry dog.

And since I'm not allowed to destroy mom's shoe, I'm going to rip this angry bird to shreds.  


  1. Gracie, you look so much better all clean and pretty, mom was right! By the way, be sure to alert us to any stumbling or slurred words!!! You may have to keep an eye on mom for awhile!!! Seriously, Bobbi, I'm sorry about your hands, I hope this helps. And be sure and don't soak those raisins too long!!! I've never heard of this, so let us know if it works. Maybe you will still have the pain, but won't care anymore!!!

  2. Gracie you sure look sweet all cleaned up. Make sure you monitor you mommy's raisin consumption! lol

  3. This is terrible. You just ruined my day! A bath...not a good thing and we should protest. Bet your Mom had too much of that BeefEater stuff. Maybe you need to eat a little beef too! Then you can destroy her shoe and claim you didn't know what you were doing.

  4. This is terrible. You just ruined my day! A bath...not a good thing and we should protest. Bet your Mom had too much of that BeefEater stuff. Maybe you need to eat a little beef too! Then you can destroy her shoe and claim you didn't know what you were doing.

  5. Oops....guess I had some BeefEater...I just posted da same comment twice....BWHahahahahaha

  6. Aw...such a sweet face, I bet Gracie didn't stay angry very long. haha! Very cute! She looks much better now. :)

  7. Gracie, you are a HOOT - a clean HOOT!!
    Maybe Mom needs to get you some doggie boots!?

    I've never tasted gin. Hmmm.
    Perhaps it will be one of those old remedies that
    really work. I hope you'll do a follow up in a few weeks
    to tell us what you think.

  8. look at that dirty water, Gracie!! And didn't the WARM water feel good after being outside in the cold? No?

    Yes, I've heard of gin and those golden raisins. I read it in a historical fiction book, never dreamt it was true!! Let me know how it works for you! I've never tasted Gin before.

  9. I've never heard of the gin/raisins but I sure know lots of folks suffering with arthritis. Let us know, ok? I hope it works for you.

    Gracie....you look so cuddly now that you are all clean! I bet you'll sleep well tonight!

  10. You have made my day. There is a cure. My doctor showed me my MRI results on Monday and told me I have the worst arthritis he has ever seen in a woman my age. He would have thought I was 20 years older. This devastated me. Not to mention the fact I'm in so much pain. NOW you give me HOPE. GIN and GOLDEN RAISINS. I'm buying some first thing tommorrow. Well maybe not FIRST thing. Don't want someone getting the wrong idea about the Beefeaters early in the morning. LOL SERIOUSLY hope this home remedy helps just enough to take the edge off. Thanks for the tip. Hope you get the relief you need too. PS) GRACIE admit it, the walk did you good. But those little footsies were a tad bit filthy. Just think about how much better you feel now that they're all fluffy and clean. RELEASE all that anger. Tear that little birdie to shreds.

  11. Oh Gracie
    I know how you feel! How could an innocent little walk get you so deep in a tub!!

    And,,, by the way-- we have heard of the raisens and gin-- let us know how it works!

  12. Gracie. I am with you on the baths. I am due in the next few days cuz I have this goop my peeps are putting in my ears and now they are all greasy. Medicine. Just like your soaked raisins, I hope these cures WORK!

    I'll be back to see. Her arthritis is way worse than my itchy ears!

  13. Bobbi, I hate that "Arthur" is visiting you, you know, Mr. Arthur Itis... he stays too long and is NOT a pleasant guest...

    And Gracie, you adorable pupster you... keep an eye on Mom's "enriched" golden raisen consumption....hehe....

    I am sorry you are in pain, though, Bobbi, dear friend. You will be in my prayers...

    Gentle Hugs,

  14. Awwwww poor Gracie! Mom may try that for her fibromyalgia! Hmmm....maybe thats just an excuse!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  15. I will share this remedy with my Sister! I sure hope it works!

    Gracie, you sure look cute all cleaned up after that walk:) I bet it was worth it to get some fresh air!

    Enjoy your day dear Bobbi, HUGS!

  16. Oh Ms. Bobbi, dat was a good one...medicinal purposes...bwhahahaha! Yea, mum says dat too when hers drinkin' wine.

    Gracie, maybe you needs some gin instead of catching your breath and havng water.


  17. I have an ouchy hip so I will try the gin and raisins thing. (Gin and Tonic with double lime is my favorite summer time drink, which means I may have 2 all summer.) Poor Gracie... she looks like she is wondering if it was worth it.

  18. nice dirt. hope your mom's hands don't hurt so bad

  19. As you can see, many of us will be waiting with bated breath to see if the gin-soaked raisins relieve you of your arthritic symptoms. And hey, if it chills us out at the same time, all the better. ;-)

    Poor widdle Gracie, she don't get no respect. ;-)

  20. I have not heard of that remedy for arthritis. I hope it works!
