Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What's up in Blogville?

What's up in Blogville?  

I've had several people email me saying that they can't comment on my blog and other blogs.

I've changed my comment option to pop-up so hopefully that will make a difference.  Let me know if you still have trouble with it. 

I guess blogger is acting up again.  




  1. I encountered the same problems the other day, but am using a different computer and things are fine now.

    Drools and licks,
    Minnie and Mack

  2. Hi there, I haven't had issues with your blog but with others. Hang in there. Have a great afternoon.

  3. I had some problems the last couple of days with my blog! It wouldn't let me sign in for some reason, and then every time I tried to leave a comment, it would list me as anonymous????????

  4. Hi Bobbi, It seems to be letting me comment now that it is pop-up. I'm on my way to catching up with you. Have a good evening.

  5. Yes the pop-up makes a difference for some reason. I've been having trouble leaving comments everywhere for the past few days but it works with pop-ups. I think Blogger is having hormonal problems... ;-)

  6. Yep, according to Blogger, they is workin' on da problem withs da comment and login thingamabob. Some embedded boxes allow you to manually sign in by name/URL...your was one dat had dat option so I could work around it to leaves you my most wonderful comments.

    Puddles...I'm da smart one

  7. The pop-up seems to be the best of all the versions for comment. Working fine!

  8. No problem with mine...but there is with Jim's...go figure!

  9. I've had trouble for two days! Now.....all seems fine!

  10. I'm back Bobbi and I've missed you so much. You are the sweetest friend, thanks so for your wonderful comments while I was in the hospital. You are so nurturing and empathetic. I've been reading your job history posts, and you missed the real one that is your true calling, a nurse.

  11. Hey Bobbi! I was trying to comment on your blog yesterday afternoon at work and couldn't. I figured it was just a glitch on my work computer because it happened on a couple of other blogs too--Home was just fine and I forgot to stop by your blog again or let you know on FB...Guess someone beat me to that! :-)

    Hope it keeps working!

  12. I haven't had any problems ...knock on wood.

    Your pal, Pip

  13. yep; I've been dealing with the same problem for the past two days if people have their comments embedded on their journal; glad you changed yours to the pop up window!


  14. You are not alone with the blogger problems. Computers make life easier and harder all at the same time! :-)

  15. I know of a couple of blogs that recently had to change to the pop-up or full page comment option. In my opinion these are the best way to go and Blogger should get rid of the embedded comment option. It is often unstable and difficult to leave a comment on most blogs.

  16. You know Bobbi, I do not know what is up but it has been frustrating. I have gone onto blogs and when I try to leave a comment, I get shoved back to 'sign in' which I already was...UGH! No matter how many times I signed in, it kept kicking me out! finally I gave up and left it for a few days...
    so I'm living on 'borrowed time' it feels...

  17. someone told me today that they had read on another blog someone having problems and they downloaded Google Chrome and their problems went away. So I downloaded Chrome (free, took less than 2 minutes) and I have had no problems commenting on blogs I couldn't comment on earlier in the week that had the comments embeddeed on the journal.

    have a good weekend!


  18. I had problems at work on their PC but never did have problems at home on my Mac. So I am not sure what was going on.
