Wednesday, August 8, 2018


For a season, I neglected blogging and began facebooking more instead.

Facebook is okay, but it does not compare to the satisfaction I get from blogging.  Facebook is sometimes a battle zone for political views and oftentimes if you share a photo or meme that you thought was awesome, someone will burst your bubble and say it was proven fake.  so then you're like.  oh.  oops.  sorry.  and you become reluctant to share cool photos or events or whatever.  You are constantly under a microscope - or so it sometimes seems.


Blogging is different.  You share your life, your feelings and sometimes even your opinions and rarely are you bombarded with negative responses.  At times, it happens though...  but I have learned to keep quiet and not fight the battle of rights and wrongs.  The battle belongs to the Lord - that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

I try not to make negative comments on any blogs that I do not agree with.  We can find something positive in most things so it is my intention to do so or like Mom always said, "If you can't say something nice don't say anything at all."

I have grown to care about my blogger friends because I have seen your hearts through words written and pictures posted.  My heart breaks to find that one has died be it human or furry-four-legged 'human'.  And when one disappears from blog-land I eventually try to find them... often times hitting a dead end.  And it makes me feel kind of sad...

Gracie turns fourteen next month!  14!  Four-teen!

No matter what way you say it, In dog years - it is old.

I hate pessimism but it sometimes gets the best of me when I see her labored breathing after a walk or her inability to play like she used to.  I try to imagine my life without her and all I can see is pain.
But she's still good, and we still go for walks, and she still likes her corn on the cob and belly rubs and she still likes to play keep away and tug of war.  

Some mornings her treats lay untouched on the living room floor and I think...  is she losing interest in life?  But then, they disappear and she is begging for a walk once again.

Ready to live.


  1. You can't imagine life without them, it is something we think we can handle, just like the deaths of those near and dear to us, but we can't handle it. We learn to live with it but our lives are never the same. Close to four years later and I am still missing that silly corgi of ours. Gracie will let you know when it is time. Someone told me that about Koda and I didn't believe them at the time but when that time came, it was true. In the meantime, treasure each and every day you have with her and rejoice that she still enjoys doing the things she enjoys doing, like walks, etc.

    I merely scroll through Facebook these days, mostly to see what family is up to. I agree, there is a certain appeal of blogging over it, that's why I keep returning to blogging even when sometimes I think I won't.


  2. Bobbi, I love the picture of Gracie eating the corn on the cob! It is the most endearing picture! I feel the same way about blogging that you do! So many bad or political posts!! It makes me downhearted to see them. Blogging is so much nicer, I think we are here to lift people up!! Several years ago, I had my own bulletin board at church. Everyone knew that it was ONLY for uplifting things and thanks. Soon,someone started pinning bad and critical political things on it. They did not sign their name, but I had an idea of who it was. I took the entire bulletin board down, and the wall was re-painted. It was a sad day for me. About Gracie... if she starts not eating much, the vet can give you some pills that increase her appetite. My friend is going through this with her cat, and the pills are working wonderfully.

  3. OMCs Dearest Gracie do we agree with your 3rd paragraph. We have never ever NO never been on the Book of Faces.
    I hear you about aging sweet friend. I was 16 in March that is 80 in cat years....YIKES. Now I'm the oldest being in the house. I have been messin' with kidney issues for about a year but with the help of my EXCELLENT vet and my wonderful peeps we are maintain my Diva quality of life. I do have meds now. Never took any until last June. Now I have a cocktail at breakfast and supper. Our new motto here is 3 seniors living and loving life one day at a time.
    Hugs sweet girl and remember to set your own pace this heat has been horrid for having to go out in I know
    Hugs madi your bfff

  4. Blogger friends are much more easy going. Facebook has become a hotbed of negativity. I don't unfriend, but I do unfollow those who want to argue. Our little Trudy made it to 17 and the last few years were very hard to watch, but we helped her. She was weak, but the vet assured us she wasn't suffering and so we just helped her going outside and getting her to her bed, etc. I even sooon fed her toward the end.

  5. I don't do much on Facebook. My son sends me movies of ggrand there.
    Gracie - 14? Wow! She's doing well for her age!

  6. i like blogging with a little bit of facebook mixed in. gracie is getting old it's true. one day at a time. one day at a time.

  7. Since retiring I have grown closer to Gracie. I have found she is a lot smarter then I ever gave her credit for. She loves to go to the campgrounds with me. She’s my little camper. I do spoil her but that’s ok she spoils me too. Life without her will be tough.....but let’s not get ahead of myself. What ever time is left she will know she is loved.
