Sunday, August 14, 2016

VayCay2016 Pt 2

I will be honest.  For me, going on a scavenger hunt that would take me out of my comfort zone would likely need a lot of coaxing and I can't even imagine what prize would convince me that I should even do such a thing.  

So I have to give it to these guys...  the ones who tried, persevered, conquered...  and went looking for and doing some of the weirdest, strangest things during last weeks scavenger hunt.  What good sports!  I'm not real sure if it was the prizes awarded at the end or if maybe it was to appease their parents who are growing older and seem to be humored by some of the most bizarre stuff.  But whatever the case, these kids were awesome!

Let me introduce you to the teams.  Enthusiastic, fun, and spirited!  

When things got too uncomfortable they improvised....   Picture with a lifeguard = 100 points!

One of my favorite 'missions' was PAY IT FORWARD

 We squeezed a lot into this past week.  I share with you some highlights.


  1. I think the scavenger hunt would have been fun! They seemed good sports about it! Such fun times indeed!


  2. Fun pictures! Love fish faces and almost buried in the sand, ha ha. Looks like a great time!

  3. fun day indeed. that last pic with your feet up is where i wanna be.

  4. Looks like an amazing vacation. I love the last photo - that's my kind of vacation.
