Sunday, February 19, 2012

I Have To Put Up with Her...

Dear Diary,

When the newest little person arrived...  several things happened.

1.  I lost my place on Dad's lap.

2.  I lost my place on mom's lap.

3.  The other little people aka Cupcake began getting bored because the world no longer revolved around her (welcome to my world  Cupcake) and she began to avert her attention to other things like messing with my toys...

No wonder my angry bird is angry!

What could the older peeps be thinking - cluttering up my floor with things I'm not allowed to breath on, step on, or chew on?

I know it's only a matter of time though... till short stuff will be tossing Oreo cookies at me.  Makes me hungry just thinking about it...

In the meantime, I have to put up with her...  and she's so needy.   Gracie.  


  1. So cute:) I love that sweet picture with her little mouth making a little "o"! Sweet last picture of Gracie holding being the pillow! Hang in there Gracie, she'll be feeding you cookies soon:)

    Have a blessed evening dear Bobbi, HUGS!

  2. beautiful beautiful photos,

  3. I love that last photo. So sweet!

  4. Yeah, but you have to admit, she's CUTE! Besides, you'll get much more than cookies! There will be biscuits and cereal (O's) and crackers and all sorts of goodies that the wee-one will want to share with you...

  5. Hi Bobbi, Gracie is so cute with the baby. The baby is growing so fast and is precious. Hope you all have a wonderful week.

  6. Cute post Gracie! Yep, When the baby moves in, the dogs gets shoved aside. So sad. But you are right, in less than a year, you will be 'cleaning up' hee hee hee!

  7. Such a precious baby and Gracie, they still love ya you little cutie... LJ

  8. Oh my gosh!! Gracie looks HUGE beside sweet little Summer! She is already growing so fast, though!

  9. Hi Bobbi!! Your little granddaughter is so precious and beautiful!! Just like Gracie--Whose look in that last picture is just priceless, they have such a rough life, don't they?? :-)

  10. Aw, these pictures are adorable!

  11. Oh Gracie- you and that little grandbaby are sooooo precious together! I know she loves to feel your soft fur!

  12. Awwwww.... these pics are totally off the "cute factor" charts they are soooo adorable....

    love love LOVE them!


  13. Oh my! We just loves that last photo!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  14. Oh my! We just loves the last photo!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  15. Gracie, That little girlie loves you. Can't you tell? Check out that last photo of her all snuggled up to you. So adorable!

  16. OMD Gracie that tiny munchkin makes you look like a great big Labradoodle. I bet your furs are very soft and make a nice pillow.
    Hugs Madi

  17. Oh GRACIE. You and little Summer side by side, make a GREAT team. I know you LOVE her just as much as everyone else, do you not. Be honest. So suck it up and stop complaining, OK. You all make one BIG happy family. So GRACIE get with the program. WONDERFUL photos Bobbi. You are so blessed. take care. PS) I am babysitting for my grandchildren this week and may not get to comment very often. But I will be back to that very soon.

  18. Samson Says (wistfully): Oh, Gracie, you would have been such a good mommy! Just be the sweet doggie I know you are (somewhere deep inside, not always to be seen) and you will soon be back on both mommy and daddy's laps.
    Love, Your Samson xoxo

  19. Gracie, I see a VERY bright future ahead for you! Just be patient and you'll see what I mean. You'll be in HEAVEN!!!
    The best photos Bobbi!
