Friday, November 19, 2010

Anybody Else Doodle?

Before I worked at my present job, I was a CNA/GNA in a nursing home.  Many see this as a dirty and disgusting job. For me it was an opportunity to help older people in their last days.    This was by far one of the most rewarding jobs I've ever had.  I wasn't there too long... but oh, how I was blessed.  

  One night when I came in for my 6PM - 7AM shift, I was advised by one of the nurses 
'jim won't eat unless you feed him....  we can't be doing this here... there's too many residents and blah, blah, blah etc.'  I got the picture.  

I love old people.  Or at least I did.  Until I became burned out.  

The Old Geezer talks about burnout on his blog and I realized that I SURE AM>

Anybody else doodle?  Oh, this is nothing.  Doodle pad's are a big part of my office expense.  

It's not the nice people that have caused my burnout.  And it's not the honest ones.  It's the ones who come in after ten years and complain 'these hearing aids have never worked'> yet they did not come in for the entire ten years to have their free checkup, or 'i just took it out of my ear and it fell apart... it's junk' when obviously it was stepped on.

Doodling has become a nervous habit for me.  

When I talk to the disgruntled customers (the burn-out causers)  , I refer them to the many happy ones.  The ones who I love... who have become my friends.
I don't only fit hearing aids.  I listen to stories, talk about hip replacements, laugh at silly jokes, and wipe away tears.  

I don't like burnout, but I'm praying about it. 

Dear Diary,

No bugs but itchy skin.  Mom vacuums every single night and I hate the sound.  She yells at me if I lay down in the grass.  Whatever.  



  1. Omg! I doodle all the time, and everywhere, as soon as I have a pen in my hand I am doodling on something, every piece of paper around me has some sort of doodling on it, even some of my cross stitch patterns. So you are not alone here.

  2. I worked as a CNA when I was 17! I loved the people and was not bothered by the "dirty work".What bothered me were the conditions of nursing homes,lack of family visiting these poor folks and a nursing staff that was neglectful and sometimes down right hateful.As a CNA there was nothing I could do to change those things.I think most care facilities have improved since then..that was more than 20 years ago...oh my...has it really been that long since I was 17! Yikes!

  3. It was about 11 yrs ago that I was CNA, conditions were not good then. I worked cat eye shift, and some nights only 2 girls to an entire floor. You are right, Melodie. Conditions were not the greatest... even then. I don't think things have changed a whole lot. The most important thing is, if you have a loved one that needs to be in there.... VISIT OFTEN!!!

  4. I fell in love with Bobbi the day she took me to the nursing home to visit her "old friend"I realized then she was genuine.These people loved her and showed it.

  5. I see those times as a way for the 'Potter' to mold us, the clay. Hard to deal with people sometimes. fun. I did that a lot in school.

    Itchy dogs here too. Mine are allergic to grass. A little prednisone each day does the trick.

  6. Thank you Parsley for reminding me of what the Potter may be doing in dealing with the more difficult people. It will help to think of it in that way.
    Preachur99 a.k.a. Gary - Oh, stop that. You're making me And I love you too!

  7. I'm a doodler too. Even in church. My husband thinks I do it because I'm bored but that's not the case. I just like having something to do with my hands!

  8. I doodle if I get bored while on the phone. Thanks for visiting my blog. Look forward to reading more of yours.
    I also have a prayer blog if you ever need to leave a prayer request.

  9. That is an amazing testimony, and yes I do doddle, lots on lots of things, some times on papers I should not, giggles, have a great day.

  10. I've doodled for years and know that it can help relieve stress at times.

    I knew had to follow your blog as soon as I read the words just under your blog title. Then I read down through several of your posts. I'm definitely hooked. We have 4 dogs that own us too. 3 were rescues and among them we have the 'king of the hill', the court jester, the diva and one that came looking for a home when he was dumped.

  11. Gracie looks beautiful and fluffy after her bath! We both follow The Old Geezer, doesn't he ask the most thought provoking questions? You must be one of God's angels!! And it seems he has guided you to the right job for your personality. Yes, working with the public, we have to relate to all kinds, the upbeat and the cranky and the dishonest!! One thing that might help is just to think how good it is for you to be on your side of the desk instead of one of them. They are all blessed to have such a person as you with a smile and a caring attitude!

  12. loved Gracie's line "whatever". Gracie, don't feel bad, Koda hates the vacuum too and he's always trying to attack it.

    I think it was wonderful that you worked in a nursing home. I think it takes a very special person to do so and to like doing it. My inlaws are in assisted living and the people that work there, you can just tell they like being with the residents and trying to make their lives as good as they can. It made me feel good that there are caring people, like you are.

    It is hard to work in a situation where you are burnt out. My husband is going through that right now but will be leaving that position in a few months when we move. For him, I realize it is a no-win situation. He will not ever change in his attitude towards his present job (unless God changes his heart) so it is time to move on for him.

    Only you know what is best for you. It does get wearing though when you are trying to do the best you can in your field and you get "beat" up with customers complaining and expecting the moon years later.

    praying is always a good thing to do too!


  13. Bobbi, My Mom would have pushed you right over the edge!!! Bless her. There was NO pleasing her with hearing aids. I am sure the ones giving you a hard time are taking their problems (aches, pains etc) out on you. And the hearing aid is just the 'kicker'. Hang in there! You can only do what you can do.

  14. Cindy- I've been known to do my share of doodling in church. Trouble is, I'll write down something important, then when I try to find it I can't cause there's so much doodling. lol.
    Thena- I will def. check out your prayer blog.thanks.
    Oklahoma Granny- Thanks so much, and welcome!
    Ginny- Right about Old Geezer's blog. Always love his questions.
    Betty- I wish the best for you on your life change... all will work for good. I'm looking at some changes myself, but in God's timeing...

  15. Thanks for visiting my blog! Yours is very lovely and Gracie is beautiful! I hope that the itchies go away for both of us soon! has always done that!!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

  16. My the Mom is an architect and for many years, she kept her doodles... many of which she archived, along wif her sketches... in a book.

    I know nuffin bout all that. What I know is that I hope the Sweet Gracie's itchins have been scratched or otherwise resolved!

    Just sayin.

    wif love from the Luke

  17. 'Doodle'....well that's the second half of my name dear! So yes of course I CAN DOODLE! I just doodled a nice meaty bone and it went down mighty fast. I can doodle on the beach and at the park. People say...Here comes that doodle again. I wonder what she id going to doodle again. I snuggle with them and win them over. So as far as I'm concerned I can Doodle! Cheers!

  18. Not much doodling this way. I guess my "doodle" would be the games on my iPhone.

    I worked as a CNA for awhile in both a nursing home and a med/surg floor in the hospital. I didn't like the nursing home because the conditions were horrible. Too many residents per CNA. Care suffered significantly. I thought at one time that I wanted to be a nurse. The was ruled out quite early in the game...LOL!

    Hang in there! I think some people just love to complain. Oh the joys of working with the public.
