Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Happy New Year!

I always enjoy that period of time between Christmas and New Years where I close down the office.  No worries.

But.  It's back to work for me.

I have proclaimed 2018 as a year for slowing down.  Not retiring,  can't afford to do that just yet.  But slowing down for sure...  I do not plan on working as hard.  Enter my new hire/daughter Lindsey.  Yep, I now have a part time employee.  Excuse me  now while I go take a nap...


In other news, remember the book I had published several years back, Gracie's Diary a Memoir?  Well, a very talented narrator has offered to make it into an Audiobook.  How cool is that?!  She is doing a beautiful job!  I just finished corrections for a better part of the book and am waiting for her to send me the rest.  And the great thing about it is that she has agreed to get paid for all of her work by royalty alone, once the audiobook goes on sale.

Gracie was supposed to be groomed yesterday but a water break at her place of grooming has canceled her appointment until further notice.  She is a shaggy, wonderful mess and she is loving being outside in the single digit temps - of course she is - with that thick warm coat of hers!!

No New Years resolutions here.  Just hoping to hang tight till spring, and then summer and fall...  and God willing we'll do this all over again next year.

Happy New Year All!

Stay Warm!


  1. Happy New Year to you all. So excited that Gracie's book will be an audiobook! Congrats on that. I'm sure your daughter Lindsey will be a wonderful help.

  2. What wonderful news! You are such a good writer, so talented! It is great that you will be spending more time with your daughter!

  3. congratulations to Lindsey on the new job. and also to you on the audio book about gracie.

  4. Great news! Granny naps are so lovely, haha.
    How long will it take for her to get the audio book done? That's cool!

  5. Awesome that you have some help and might get to take a nap:) I have that book and loved reading it. Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!
